Dental Filling is done to restore the missing tooth structure caused by Dental caries or Trauma. Dental Filling normally fills up the gap created by the caries or trauma, and also safeguard the tooth from any further damage.
Types of Dental Fillings:
There are many types of filling materials that could be used to restore the tooth and there are indications to use them in different situations.
• Metal Filling
o This is the conventional filling. Silver Filling is the common one, but Gold Filling gives more promising results. Both the fillings are not tooth-coloured
• Amalgam Filling
o This is the most commonly used filling worldwide. Combination of metals is used in it combined to form the Amalgam. There have been numerous researches on the material highlighting the good and bad of choosing it. Amalgam filling is also silver-grey in color and do not match the tooth color.
• Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC)
o This one bonds chemically with the tooth. It is white in color matching more to the shade of tooth. But there are not many shade options in it.
• Composite Filling
o This commonly known as Laser Filling. The material uses UV light to polymerize into a hard tooth-colored mass. Preferred material for anterior teeth where shade-matching is necessary. Also used when a piece of tooth is chipped or broken down.
Contact Details
Sherwani Dental Associates, Model Town Link Road, Lahore, Pakistan